0499 408 517

Test and Tag Experts

All our testing is done in accordance within the regulations of Australian standards AS/NZS 3760:2010

Our company uses the most advanced computer software to record test and tag assets for your insurance company and OHS personal records.

Ensuring electrical safety for your peace of mind at Limelight Electrical Pty Ltd, we prioritise the safety of our clients above everything else.

We understand that electrical accidents can have devastating consequences, which is why we offer a comprehensive Test and Tag service to ensure the safety of your electrical appliances and equipment.

Free Quoting

Our pricing for test and tag out rivals all of our competitors. We’re the most affordable professional test and tag provider.

Limelight Electrical takes pride in giving the best customer service experience possible.

Please check out our online website quotations and email or call to make a booking today.

PAT Testing

Limelight Electrical has the latest calibrated portable appliance testing machines (PAT tester) used to complete all test and tag inspections.

We use Wavecom and Kyoritsu portable appliance testers.

PAT testers are able to test and locate unseen dangerous electrical faults.

They’re the most important tool in the test and tag industry.


Please press the locations button to find the list of areas Limelight Electrical Pty Ltd service test and tag.

RCD Testing

We complete RCD and RCBO safety circuit breaker testing for all buildings.

Limelight Electrical provides certificates of compliance for insurance companies and OHS records.

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